Black Hawk Grain Free Large Breed Adult Chicken Dry Dog Food 15kg

Black Hawk Grain Free Large Breed Adult Chicken Dry Dog Food 15kg
**Feeding better is living longer. What do you feed your dog?** - Black Hawk Grain Free Chicken provides a deliciously lean and highly digestible protein source packed with essential vitamins and nutrients to support strong muscles, healthy bones and vitality in your best friend. - Designed specifically with pumpkin seeds, blueberries and cranberries which promote immunity and natural defences, combined with chicory root and beet pulp as natural prebiotics for gut health. - The formula also contains glucosamine and chondroitin to aid and assist in joint mobility in larger breed dogs. **Why choose a Grain Free diet?** - The absence of grain makes our food ideal for pets with sensitive dietary needs. - It is also a great choice for those choosing to exclude grains from their pet’s diet making Black Hawk Grain Free Large Breed dog food gentle for dogs with sensitive stomachs. • Dog Size: L