Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

The Tea Hut
4.5 Star Rating
(17 Reviews)
Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Premium Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea - Experience this one of a kind and mesmerising herbal treat! Watch the premium whole blue pea flowers infuse into a marvellously joyful and vibrant blue. For a little magic add a little citrus to change the colour again to purple! Perfect for creating adventurous cocktails, baking sweet treats or just for a unique Thai tea experience.

Do you want Blue Butterfly Pea Flower in bulk size? Order larger Bulk Sizes Blue Butterfly Pea Flower here.

Introducing blue butterfly pea flower tea - the vibrant and naturally blue herbal tea that's perfect for anyone looking to support their health and well-being. Blue butterfly pea flower tea is made from the dried flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant, and has a delicate, floral flavour that's both soothing and satisfying.

But don't let its beautiful colour fool you - blue butterfly pea flower tea is packed with nutrients and offers a number of potential health benefits. It's a great source of antioxidants, which can help support your immune system and protect your cells from damage. It's also naturally caffeine-free, making it a great choice for anyone looking to cut back on their caffeine intake.

In addition to its nutritional value, blue butterfly pea flower tea is also believed to have a number of other health benefits. It's been used traditionally to support the nervous system and may also help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

Try blue butterfly pea flower tea today and discover the delicious and nutritious benefits for yourself. Order now and experience the health-supporting power of this tasty herbal tea.

Ingredients: Blue Butterfly Pea Flowers

Brewing Instructions:

Add 1 heaped tsp per cup, add boiling water and let brew for 1-3 mins or longer if preferred. Great also served iced. Add a tsp of honey and a squeeze of lemon for the traditional Thai tea experience!

Handy Tip: Add some lemon juice and watch it change to a delightful pink/purple colour!

Taste/Aroma: Grassy aromas when brewing and an enjoyable vegetal taste.

Origin: Thailand

Botanical Name: Clitoria ternatea

Packaging: All orders are sent in resealable packages for maximum freshness and longevity of flavour.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.