Blue Planet The Collection Box Set Blu-ray Region B

Blue Planet The Collection Box Set Blu-ray Region B

All 15 episodes from the first two series of the BBC natural history programme which examines life beneath the world's oceans, narrated by David Attenborough. 'The Blue Planet' episodes are: 'The Blue Planet', 'The Deep', 'Open Ocean', 'Frozen Seas', 'Seasonal Seas', 'Coral Seas', 'Tidal Seas' and 'Coasts'. 'Blue Planet II' episodes are: 'One Ocean', 'The Deep', 'Coral Reefs', 'Big Blue', 'Green Seas', 'Coasts' and 'Our Blue Planet'.

Product: Blue Planet: The Collection (Box Set) [Blu-ray]
Format: Blu-ray
Catalogue No: BDPA0388
Studio: Universal
Certification: PG
Release Date: 2020-03-18
Region: Region B
Duration: 3456 minutes
Discs: 6 disc(s)
Produced (year): 2017
Colour: Colour
Extras: Language(s): English, Interactive Menu,