Breathing Love - Paperback

Llewellyn Publications,U.S.
Breathing Love - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Jennie Lee | ISBN-13: 9780738752099 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Llewellyn Publications,U.S. | Publication Date: 2018-01-30 | Pages: 240 | Product Dimensions: 142 x 202 x 15mm | Weight: 304g |

Discover how to embody love, breathe it as your daily spiritual practice, and recognize it as the core of who you are. Love is more than an emotional wave that passes through us, and meditation is what we need to clear our inner vision and overcome impulses and habits that take us away from pure love. This remarkable book explores what love is and what it takes to live it each day. You ll find a variety of topics, such as removing obstructions to love, building trust, learning to forgive, and dealing with meditation practices both on and off the cushion and mindful action, Breathing Love shows you how to open your heart to your true nature as love itself.