Bulbine Glauca 'Rock Lily' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Bulbine Glauca 'Rock Lily' Seeds

Bulbine Glauca 'Rock Lily' - 10x Seeds

Bulbine glauca is a tufted perennial that grows to a height of about 50cm, with thick and fleshy roots. The flowers are borne on spikes, which in the wild usually develop after rain. The plant produces yellow, star-shaped flowers, which are faintly scented. The flowers can begin to open in spring and sometimes continue right through to autumn if the weather conditions are right and the plant receives regular water throughout the hot months.

Bulbine glauca is horticulturally desirable as it is frost tolerant, with the leaves persistent throughout winter. It is able to be grown in full sun to light shade and prefers a slightly protected area. It has a long flowering time, and the only maintenance that is required is removing the spikes after flowering.

Easy to propagate from seed. Ornamental perennial grass-like plant suitable for containers or smaller gardens, landscapes and rock gardens.

Native to N.S.W and Tasmania

After flowering, the young seeds of the Bulbine can be eaten. You can also eat the rhizomes - the bulbs or roots. These have a mild, 'oniony' flavour.

Seed Starting Method

Bulbine Glauca seeds come in a range of sizes from very tiny to a few millimeters. As a general rule Bulbine Glauca seed should be sown to the depth of the seed.

Although most Australian native/ endemic seed can be sown throughout the seasons across Australia it is advisable to sow in Spring or Summer in colder regions. The optimum temperate to ensure the best possible germination rate for sowing many Australian native/ endemic species is around 18-22oC.

Smoke treatment recommended

Sowing Depth

See above.
The seed will lodge in the pores of your seed starting mix once misted with water.

Growing Season

Spring & Autumn
Place in a warm sunny position and keep moist to avoid drying out.

Germination Time 20-40 days at around 18-22oC.
Hardiness Hardy
Plant Spacing N/A
Plant Height 50cm high
Planting Position Partial or full sun
Days Until Maturity N/A
Growing tips

Seeds of many native/endemic species require specific conditions that mimic their natural habitat or specially formulated seed treatments, to break dormancy.

Do not be to quick to discard pots that haven't yet shown signs of seed germination. Seeds will often lay dormant until conditions are optimal and will produce amazing results, long after they have been forgotten.

Pre-treatment of smoke is recommended for most native species.

Research shows that many members of this species are responsive to pre-treatment of smoke, which mimocs an Australian bushfire. Although germination will may occur without smoke treatment it has proved be beneficial in reducing the number of days to germination and increasing germination rates of this species.

Smoke treatments are simple and can be undertaken by applying to the surface after sowing.

Click this link to view our seed starting treatments specially designed for Australian Natives