Business Analytics and Statistics 1st Edition

Ken Black
Business Analytics and Statistics 1st Edition
Business Analytics and Statistics 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780730363330
Publication Date: 14 September 2018

This book is being used at: Murdoch University, CQU, University of Technology Sydney, University of New South Wales, RMIT, Victoria University, University of Wollongong, Flinders University

Written for the Australian and New Zealand markets, the first edition of Business Analytics and Statistics, 1st edition (Black et al.) presents statistics in a cutting-edge interactive digital format that’s designed to teach you to make informed business decisions based on statistical data analysis. Available as a full colour printed textbook with an interactive eBook code included, this title enables you to master concepts and succeed in assessment by taking the roadblocks out of self-study, with features designed to get the most out of learning.

You can expect components like expert insight videos from business practitioners that highlight the relevance of statistics in business with real-world local cases, animations and interactivities that are embedded at the point of learning to bring course concepts to life, refreshed resources from WileyPLUS, our homework and assessment tool that delivers drill-and-skill practice, Concept Check questions embedded throughout the text that provide instant feedback and reinforce the concepts you’re learning about in the text, and ensuring students get to have the best of both worlds, with the ability to switch between reading something tangible and studying with online (or offline!) learning resources, through the ability to search, highlight and take notes within the text for more efficient study.


Practitioner videos provide insights into the application of statistical concepts.

Excel screen captures walk students through the steps involved in solving statistical problems using Excel.

Animated demonstration problems ...