Calendula 'Golden Emperor' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Calendula 'Golden Emperor' Seeds

Calendula 'Golden Emperor' - 30x Seeds

Calendula Golden Emperor Calendula Officinalis is a long time favorite annual garden flower.

Calendula Golden Emperor seeds are very easy to grow. Other names of this flower are English Marigold and Pot Marigold.

Golden Emperor blooms with very attractive, enormous in size, fully double, gold-yellow flowers that resemble chrysanthemums. Calendula blooms all season long, and the fragrant flowers are very attractive to butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees.

Calendula Golden Emperor is a popular bordering plant and grown widely in flower beds. Pot Marigold is also a lovely container and pot plant. Calendula Officinalis seeds can be planted throughout the season, and growing Calendula prefers full sun tolerating partial shade and adapting to different types of soil. Calendula Golden Emperor re-seeds itself easily and makes a great cut flower for any floral arrangement.

A self seeding perennial plant.

Each seed pack contains a minimum of 30 seeds and germination notes

Sowing method: Sow directly or raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth: 15mm
When: Sprig & Summer
Germination: 7-14 days at temperatures between 20-22oC
Hardiness Hardy half annual
Spacing Between Plants: 50cm
Plant Height: 60cm
Planting Position: Full or part sun in well drained soil
Days to Maturity/Flowering: 84-100 days