Capsicum 'Californian Wonder' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Capsicum 'Californian Wonder' Seeds

Capsicum 'Californian Wonder' - 10 Seeds

Most popular and original bell type of capsicum. Heavy producer, thick and sweet fruit to 10-15cm. Use green or ripen to rich red, for maximum vitamin C.

Capsicums grow into small bushes with deep green leaves, as well as being fruitful they are also quite ornamental. The flowers are either white, or purple and grow from the leaf axil. They will grow best in warm summers.

Plant Capsicum in a full sun position with humus rich, moist, well drained soil. Capsicum have similar growing conditions to Tomatoes & Chilli's.

Harvest when the fruits reach full size, summer to autumn. You can eat your Capsicum raw, roasted, picked or dried.

This very attractive plants also make quite a spectacle when grown as a conservatory or patio plant.

Seed Starting Method Raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 5mm
Growing Season Spring & Summer
Germination Time 14-21 days at around 21c
Hardiness Hardy Perennial
Plant Spacing 30cm
Plant Height 60cm
Planting Position Partial or full sun, moist well manured soil
Days Until Maturity 60-100 days
Growing tips Feed with fertiliser - this plant loves warm conditions.