Cavalor Bronchix Liq Respiratory Supplement Soothing Syrup for Clear Upper Airways - single

Cavalor Bronchix Liq Respiratory Supplement Soothing Syrup for Clear Upper Airways - single

Cavalor Bronchix Liq helps quickly clear the airways. It has a soothing effect on irritated upper respiratory passages

Key Features

  • Quickly clears the horses airways
  • Relieves irritation in the upper respiratory tract
  • Contains a blend of plant extracts, including lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus to sooth the esophagus

Cavalor Bronchix Liq is a preparation that is designed to support the equine respiratory tract. This syrup provides rapid relief in the event of breathing difficulties affecting the upper respiratory tract, specifically sore throats or mucus resulting from irritation. Though a tickly throat is often temporary, it is nevertheless annoying and unpleasant for the horse. Cavalor Bronchix Liq contains a mixture of plant extracts to help facilitate breathing and support and soothe the airways