CE Smith Trailer 30cm X 7.6cm -Tpr 16873 Keel Pad

CE Smith
CE Smith Trailer 30cm X 7.6cm -Tpr 16873 Keel Pad

CE Smith 16873, keel pad 30cm x 7.6cm - TPR. These thermal plastic rubber (TPR) pads cushion the trailer cross members to protect your boat keel. Pads mount on top of frame cross members or axles to prevent direct boat keel to trailer frame contact which can be a problem when the trailer is steeply inclined on the boat ramp full cap style mounts on the centre of any 7.6cm wide cross member or axle that the keel might hit.

Brand: CE Smith

Other Information: 16873

Dimensions: 30.5 x 10.2 x 2.5 centimeters (0.20 kg)