Chamomile Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

the tea accent
Chamomile Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

Chamomile is an ancient herb that has been used for many centuries. A cup of Chamomile Green Tea before bed not only helps you relax but it also aids you to get good sleep. The fresh fragrant flavour of Chamomile has mellow natural sweet notes with an uplifting aroma that calms the senses and spirits.

Ingredients: Chamomile Flowers

Brewing Instructions: Always use fresh water. Bring water to near boiling point (90 degree Celsius). Take 1 teabag in a cup. Pour the heated water and steep the tea for 2-4 mins. Adjust the time of brewing as per desired strength.

Tea flavour enhances as it cools. Our teas can be re-brewed, just steep it longer for the second time.

Know more about the herbs in this tea:

Chamomile Chamomile tea has long been used, as a traditional folk remedy, for a wide range of health issues.It has a light, sweet, and slightly apple-like flavor, and it is known for its calming and relaxing effects. Chamomile tea is often consumed as a natural remedy for insomnia, anxiety, and stress. It may also have some mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.