Chandon Garden Spritz (750mL) Sparkling Wine

Chandon Garden Spritz (750mL) Sparkling Wine
Aroma & Palate Bright, blood orange, lemon zest, hints of cherry
Type Sparkling wine & citrus bitters spritz
Style Breezy & beautiful

Our Notes

A classy and citrus-forward take on bottled spritz, beautiful as is and more than ready for you to take new heights of tastiness and Instagrammability with the right garnishes, glassware and ice. All-natural flavours, all-natural colours, all you need in a premium bottled spritz.

From the Winemaker

Garden Spritz is a ready-to-serve, ready-to-share blend of our sparkling wine and orange bitters recipe handcrafted with navel and blood oranges, dried orange peel and natural herbs and spices.

Chardonnay grapes make the citrus notes sing while Pinot Noir - as well as our handcrafted orange bitters - gives Garden Spritz that signature, all-natural orange radiance.

For extra natural flair, there are no artificial flavours and no artificial colours at any stage of production. Serve in a generous glass over a few ice cubes, add a citrus garnish and kick back under Australian skies with great company for a moment you'll remember.

ABV (%): 12.5
Size: 750mL
Country: Australia

This Product is offered and supplied by Secret Bottle, Liquor Licence No. LIQP770016868. Please note, this product cannot be delivered to Dry Zones. Secret Bottle supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Under the Liquor Act 2007, it is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of, a person under the age of 18 years.