Chariots of the Gods?

Erich von Daniken
Chariots of the Gods?
Chariots of the Gods?
ISBN: 9780285629110
Publication Date: 18 August 2017

A groundbreaking work of speculation into the mysteries of the universe.

All over the world there are fantastic ruins and improbable objects which cannot be explained by conventional theories of history, archaeology, and religion.

Why, for instance, do the world's sacred books describe Gods who came down from the sky in fiery chariots and always promised to return? How could an ancient Sanskrit text contain an account which could only be of a journey in an alien craft? Compare photographs of American space centre launch sites to the constructions on the plains of Nazca in Peru.

In order to understand the mysteries which Erich von Daniken has catalogued we must go back to these ancient relics with an open mind. We must call in the resources and experience of sciences other than archaeology. Chariots of the Gods is a provocative attempt to explain some of the universe's most interesting mysteries.