Chipsi Extra XXL Substrate 10L

Chipsi Extra XXL Substrate 10L
Chipsi Extra XXL: Natural Bedding for Large Pets 3.2kg / 10L

Chipsi Extra XXL provides a spacious and comfortable living environment for your larger reptile, bird, or small pet. These organic beechwood granulate chips are all-natural and safe for your animal.

Key Features:

  • Large Chip Size: Perfect for bigger animals. Average chip size is 5mm x 10mm.
  • Organic Beechwood: Natural and safe for your pet.
  • Dust-Free: Easy on sensitive respiratory systems.
  • Highly Absorbent: Helps control odors and humidity.
  • Easy to Clean: Makes spot cleaning and tank maintenance a breeze.

Chipsi Extra XXL creates a natural and hygienic environment for your pet to thrive.