Civic Ivory Diamond Hand Woven Wool Rug

The Rug Lady
Civic Ivory Diamond Hand Woven Wool Rug

Our new Civic Ivory Diamond Hand Woven Wool rug features a beautiful mix of natural fibres, making it one of our newest eco-sustainable rugs to date! Comprising of 60% viscose and 40% wool, this product features a gorgeous, textured finish that will definitely provide depth to any space in your home. It is hand made by select artisans in India, which means that each piece unique and individual in character! More so, it's simple yet stunning design can be used in Scandinavian, Minimalist, Bohemian, and Modern homes, highlighting its flexibility and timelessness.

Please note products that are handmade from natural fibres will be individual in colour. Sprouting yarns where strands of wool have ended and started during the weaving process may be visible or become visible over time. This is not a defect, instead a natural occurring feature of this product. Product returns will not be accepted on this basis. Natural Fibre rugs do shed, we suggest a gentle vacuum with no brush to clean.