Coffee Parts Professional 58mm Black Flat Tamper

Coffee Parts
Coffee Parts Professional 58mm Black Flat Tamper

Coffee Parts Professional 58mm Black Flat Tamper

Also known as a coffee press, the coffee tamper may look like one of the simplest coffee accessories, however it is one of the most important in the espresso making process, used to evenly tamp the ground coffee in the filter basket in the aim to create an even distribution of coffee grounds and reduce paths of least resistance called channeling. In many cases the simple coffee tamp is a barista's pride and joy as well as an extension of their personality.

58mm is the most common size in commercial coffee machine and high end prosumer machines, as well as the recommended size for most baskets to coffee machines including La Marzocco, Synesso, Kees van der Westen, San Remo, Rocket and more.

This 58mm coffee tamper was designed to be simple yet ergonomically designed to be used in the busiest of speciality coffee cafes and beautiful home coffee machine setups of home baristas. It weights just over 500 grams which is the industry standard, has a stainless base to withstand damage from usage and an aluminium handle to allow the weight to be balanced. The radius of the base was also chosen to maximise surface area when tamping without compromising the strength of the base edge.

What's in the box?

  • 1 x Coffeeparts Professional 58 mm Flat Base Stainless Steel Tamp with Black Handle

What else might I need?

  • A coffee tamper mat
  • And a tamping seat

Coffee Parts Espresso Tamper Review

Let's be honest, it's hard to be totally un-biased reviewing our own products, so let's just explain our why to this product. We believed that well thought of and designed tampers could and should be affordable, and this tamper we believe is a reflection. There are some absolutely beautiful designer espresso tampers on the market such as the Pullman range which we love, but not everyone barista can or want to spend that budget.


  • 58mm Flat stainless steel base
  • Aluminium ergonomic handle
  • Approximately 500 grams