Colvillea Racimosa 'Collevile's Glory' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Colvillea Racimosa 'Collevile's Glory' Seeds

Colvillea Racimosa 'Collevile's Glory' - 5 Seeds

Colvillea racemosa is a deciduous orange flowering tree from Madagascar, with an open, elongate crown and irregularly spreading or pendulous branches.


It usually grows up to 18 metres tall but occasional specimens can be up to 28 metres. The trunk is usually straight and cylindrical, but sometimes slightly sinuous. It can be up to 100cm in diameter.

The tree is particularly known for its bright orange flowers that grow in large cone or cylinder shaped clusters. After flowering, the tree produces long, flat, woody seed pods. The tree has small deep green leaves, superficially similar to Delonix regia.

Grows best in a sunny position. Can handle frost once established.

Seed Starting Method

Seeds of this variety has a thick coating.

Place the seed in a container and cover with almost boiling water and allow to soak overnight.

The swollen seed can then be sown, re-treat seeds that have not swollen yet until you're satisfied that the pre-treatment has worked.

You may also nick the seed gently to assist with germination.

Although most tree seed can be sown throughout the seasons across Australia it is advisable to sow in Spring or Summer in colder regions. The optimum temperate to ensure the best possible germination rate for sowing many tree species is around 18-22oC.

Sowing Depth

See above.
The seed will lodge in the pores of your seed starting mix once misted with water.

Growing Season

Spring & Autumn
Place in a warm sunny position and keep moist to avoid drying out.

Germination Time 14-48 days at around 22-30oC.
Plant Spacing N/A
Plant Height Medium tree
Planting Position Partial or full sun
Days Until Maturity N/A
Growing tips

Can be planted into the field after 6 - 12 months when they are 50 - 100cm tall

Do not be too hasty to discard seeds that have not yet germinated, seeds will often lay dormant (in hibernation almost) until the conditions are similar to their natural requirements for germination and sprouting to occur. Containers placed to one side & forgotten about will often surprise long after they were discarded.