Connects2 Wireless QI 10W Charging Pocket Charger/2x 5V USB Port for Smartphones

Connects2 Wireless QI 10W Charging Pocket Charger/2x 5V USB Port for Smartphones

Connects2 Universal Wireless QI Charging Pocket can be mounted in the glove box, armrest or against any flat surface in your vehicle to wirelessly charge any compatible Qi smartphone.

The pocket features a spring-loaded mechanism that secures your phone to prevent movement while the vehicle is in motion.

Two small LED lights indicate the phone's charging status. The pocket also features two USB ports giving you the option to charge two other devices while on the move.


  • 2 x 5V USB Charging Ports

  • Charge status indicator

  • 10W 3 Coil Charging Solution

  • Mount in a glovebox or on a console


  • Wireless Charging Pocket
  • 12V Cigaret Cable (plug & Use)
  • Cable to connect to ignition (Requires a car electrician) ;
  • Manual