Couch Time with Carolyn
Couch Time with Carolyn
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What could a woman in her thirties, emotionally and financially vulnerable after ending her marriage, possibly gain from sitting around, reminiscing, while drinking wine, sampling chocolates and smoking cigarettes with the slowly dying mother of a best friend? Laughing and crying through her own true stories, Smith reveals why "couch time" sessions with Carolyn empower her to take control of her life and cherish all that she has.

Among her life's treasures are her girlfriends, known as the Dunwoody Girls, who have been together since elementary school. Considered an especially tight but gregarious group, they enjoy their reputation as a sweet sisterhood yet happily conjure a little harmless mischief every now and then.

Quintessential Southern gals, they also jump into action, delivering prayers, love, wine and casseroles when a fellow DG is down. Throughout, even in the darkest times, they spew hilarious one-liners, spontaneously fall over laughing and realize they can overcome anything together.


Published: United States, 1 August 2014

Format: Paperback, 144 pages

Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.9 centimeters (0.22 kg)

Writer: Smith, Katie