Cuskiboo Organic Bamboo Silky Soft Baby Comforter - Pink

Cuskiboo Organic Bamboo Silky Soft Baby Comforter - Pink
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Cuski baby comforters are a simple, safe alternative sleeping aid which is made from a natural soft, silky, organic bamboo fabric.

Multi-award winning and fully tested to International Safety Standards, Cuski's work so well that some hospitals in the UK have introduced them into their Neonatal and Special Care Baby Units!

Cuski's have the unique ability to capture Mum or Dad's own special scents, which reassures your baby when settling and at sleep time.

It is recommended to have at least 2 - one in use while the other can be in the wash.

Cuskiboo's are extra silky (compared with Original cotton terry Cuski's) and are ideal for babies with sensitive skin conditions.

Cuski comforters are suitable from birth to toddlerhood.


Approx. 47cm long x 17cm wide


  • made with organically grown bamboo yarn
  • simple, safe, functional and a consistant sleep cue
  • creates healthy sleep patterns
  • compact and light, perfect for travel
  • comforts, soothes and reassures baby to sleep with your scent
  • perfect gift for mum or dad-to-be, newborns and toddlers