Darjeeling Organic Green Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

the tea accent
Darjeeling Organic Green Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet and has medicinal value. Its processing avoids the fermentation process because of which it retains the maximum amount of antioxidants and polyphenols that give green tea its many benefits. These antioxidants and nutrients have powerful effects and help to reduce the formation of free radicals in the body. These free radicals are known to play a role in ageing and all sorts of diseases. Darjeeling Green Tea is handpicked by Tea Masters from the best gardens of Darjeeling. The tea gives you a nice, light and flavorful cup.

Green Tea: Lightly rolled, dark green leaves

Brewing Instructions: Always use fresh water. Bring water to near boiling point (99 degree Celsius). Take 1 teaspoon / 1 teabag in a cup. Pour the heated water and steep the tea for 3-4 mins. Adjust the time of brewing as per desired strength.

Tea flavour enhances as it cools. Our teas can be re-brewed, just steep it longer for the second time.

Know more about the ingredients in this tea:

Darjeeling green tea is a type of green tea that is grown in the Darjeeling region of India. It is made from the leaves of the tea plant and is known for its delicate, floral flavor and aroma. Darjeeling green tea is made by lightly steaming and drying the tea leaves to preserve their natural flavor and nutrients. It is lower in caffeine than black tea and is often considered to be more refreshing. Darjeeling green tea is often enjoyed on its own or with a light meal and can be prepared with lemon or honey to add additional flavor. Green tea is believed to have a number of health benefits, including aiding in weight loss, reducing the risk of heart disease, and improving mental alertness.