Desky Ball Anti-Fatigue Standing Mat

Desky Ball Anti-Fatigue Standing Mat

Our anti-fatigue standing mat is the perfect solution to keep you on your toes (or balls!) all day. You have already made the healthy choice; a sit stand desk. But standing for more than a few hours at a time also puts undue stress on your joints and back.

Our quality, ergonomically-engineered product with shock absorption adds style to any home office, not only keeping your blood circulating but also allowing you to work on those reflexology points and reduce discomfort with the unique massage ball.

Furthermore, your ability to adopt frequent standing positions eases tension in your neck and shoulders.

The standing mat's bevelled, trip-resistant edge allows you to move safely around your workspace and if you need a chair to rest your knees after all that standing, roll it on and off the standing mat, no problem.

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