Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy

Random House USA Inc
Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy
Readers found boldness with Scares, creativity with Inspires, and mindfulness with Centers. The only thing left to do is get happy, and so we have Do One Thing Every Day That Delights You. This guided journal offers a quote, activity, or prompt for every day of the year, encouraging readers to find meaning and joy in each day, even if it seems completely mundane. Daily doses of wisdom and inspiration from famous writers, athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs, and others will invite readers to savor the little moments that bring smiles to their faces. The journal is not dated and can be started at any point.Each day presents an opportunity to find delight, whether in your surroundings, your work, your relationships, your insights, or your actions. This journal will guide you to look inside and outside yourself to discover and appreciate what makes you happiest.With prompts and exercises, the wise words of writers, musicians, philosophers, and leaders will help you reflect on what fills you with joy. You'll measure your happiness at the outset and along the way; after a year's worth of delight, your smile will be bigger than ever.