Drop Zone & Narc (2DVD) (R)

Drop Zone & Narc (2DVD) (R)

Drop Zone & Narc (2DVD) (R)

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Drop Zone: Wesley Snipes is battling bad guys in the air again, this time with parachutes, in this action-packed suspense thriller. Pete Nessip Snipes is a Federal Marshall who, teamed with his brother Terry Malcolm-Jamal Warner, is escorting criminal computer genius Earl Leedy Michael Jeter to a new prison facility. Pete, Terry, and Earl are on a jet en route to Earl's new lockup when terrorists attempt a daring hijacking; Terry is killed in an explosion aboard the plane, and suddenly Earl is missing. Pete discovers that a team of sky-diving outlaws, led by former DEA agent gone bad Ty Moncrief Gary Busey, have snatched Earl from his flight and spirited him away for a special raid on Washington D.C.; Ty and his men intend to take advantage of an obscure rule in which the normally restricted airspace in Washington D.C. is open to parachute enthusiasts on July 4. Eager to avenge his brother's death and put both Ty and Earl behind bars, Pete recruits sky-diving expert Jessie Crossman Yancy Butler to teach him how to infiltrate Ty's team of sky-bound criminals. Superb aerial stunt work highlights this film; please note that Pete's last name is an anagram for the leading man's last name.

Narc: The gritty, crime-infested world of Joe Carnahan's Narc is perfectly realized on DVD. The 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer is precise in every way, from the frequently grainy shots to the deep, dense blacks. Colors, though muted often, still come across flawlessly. A full-frame version of this film is available separately. The sound is almost equally good, although lacks real use of the surrounds, which would have made the audio even more spectacular. As it is, the English 5.1 Dolby Digital track is liberally spaced across the front speakers, with some separation and, most importantly, clear dialogue and sound effects. At times, the audio seems recorded somewhat low, but it's not a significant distraction. Although not a special edition, there are some fine supplements added to this disc. Of primary importance is a fine scene-specific commentary from Carnahan and editor John Gilroy. Next up are three featurettes: "Making the Deal," "Shooting Up," and "The Visual Trip." Each runs from 13 to 20 minutes and are better than the average studio PR pieces. A lot of ground is covered in these three pieces, especially how difficult it was to make this film. Along with this is "The Friedkin Connection," where director William Friedkin lavishly praises this film while comparing it to his own The French Connection. He's a tad bit self congratulatory, but still has some interesting comments about the association between the movies. Finally, along with a trailer for this film, there are theatrical or home-video trailers for The Italian Job, The Core, The Hunted, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, and Timeline.


  • Drop Zone & Narc
  • Rating: R
  • Running time: 101 minutes and 105 minutes
  • No. of disks: Two
  • Drop Zone & Narc
  • Rating: R
  • Running time: 101 minutes and 105 minutes
  • No. of disks: Two