Eclectic Collection Unisex 7 Chakras Healing Balance Bracelet - tigers eye

Eclectic Collection
Eclectic Collection Unisex 7 Chakras Healing Balance Bracelet  - tigers eye
The perfect piece of jewellery for yourself or your loved one! A touch of beauty for daily life, offering elegance to shine on any occasion. There are seven main Chakras aligned in the spine, from the base of the spine to the top of the head (Crown Chakra location, the sky link). It has long been believed that if our Chakras are harmonized, aligned and healthy, our emotional and spiritual physical body flows in a more harmonious, abundant and happy way. However, if the chakras are out of balance, our mind and bodies (physical, emotional and spiritual) will also be out of balance, which can cause physical, emotional and spiritual problems. In addition to the Volcanic Stones there are also 7 high quality Stones referring to 7 Chakras: Muldhara Chakra (Root) Stone: Pink Jasper It is related to our origin and sense of connection with Mother Earth. Swadhisthana (Sacred) Chakra Stone: Carnelian It is related to abundance, well-being, sexuality Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus) Stone: Tiger's Eye It is related to self esteem, self confidence Anahata Chakra (Heart) Stone: Green Howlita It is related to unconditional love, joy, inner peace Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra Stone: Turquoise It is related to communication, self-expression, authenticity Ajna Chakra (Third Eye) Stone: Lazuli Pencil Is related to intuition, imagination, wisdom Sahasrara Chakra (Crown) Stone: Amethyst It is related to spirituality, enlightenment, connection with the divine Features: Length: Adjustable (16cm elastic) Weight: 16.76g Beads size: 0.8cm Material: Elastic Shape: round Chain type: elastic