Equimax Elevation Broad Spectrum Wormer Boticide Pony Horse 23ml

Equimax Elevation Broad Spectrum Wormer Boticide Pony Horse 23ml
New Equimax Elevation offers 3 way action for complete protection. There is no wormer on the market quite like new Equimax Elevation. A unique formulation of three active ingredients designed to combat mectin resistance, Equimax Elevation is particularly suitable for worming young horses from 6 weeks to 24 months.

That's because young horses need special protection from potentially mectin resistant ascarids, a problem worm in horses under two years old. Ascarids can build up to life threatening numbers in a short time, causing severe blockages in a young horses comparatively smaller intestinal tract or permanently damaging their developing lungs. Equimax Elevation completely protects young horses from ascarids, as well as all other worms.