Eucalyptus in Bloom White Frame Canvas

Eucalyptus in Bloom White Frame Canvas

Print Details

Prints are professionally printed on 230gsm acid-free, wood-free, matte paper using premium pigment inks. Our art print makes the ideal gift for any occasion or great home decors for your place. We print and ship within Australia. High quality prints made in Australia.

Prints on Canvas With Shadow Box Floating Frame

1. Printed on premium canvas.
2. Stretched to wooden stretcher and mounted to the shadow box floating frame.
3. There is a gap of about 5 mm between the frame and print, which creates the floating effect and literally makes the canvas print stand out even more.
4. 35mm thickness floating mouldings, made of recycled, strong, and moisture-proof PE material (PE material is light, versatile synthetic resin made from the polymerization of ethylene.)
5. Proudly hand framed in Melbourne
6. Hanging wire pre-installed, arrive ready to hang

Stretched Canvas

1. Printed on premium canvas.
2. Stretched and gallery wrapped around a 3cm wooden stretcher. No outside frames.
3. Hanging wire pre-installed, arrive ready to hang.
4. Proudly hand made in Melbourne

Poster Framed

1. Printed on 230gsm matte archival art paper using archival inks.
2. Framed in standard wood frame with 2mm glass solutions.
3. Standard wood frames providing great clarity and protection from dust.