Ex Sanguine

Dark Horse Comics
Ex Sanguine

One's a natural born killer - a remorseless hunter gleefully prowling the night for victims to quench an unnatural blood lust. The other's a vampire. His centuries of existence have left him world weary and detached, until the day his thirst is reinvigorated when the deadly and intricate work of the Sanguine Killer catches his eyes. Ex Sanguine is the latest from Tim Seeley, creator of Hack/Slash.

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Published: USA, 1 August 2013

Format: Paperback, 112 pages

Age Range: 15+

Other Information: Illustrated

Dimensions: 16.8 x 0.8 x 25.9 centimeters (0.25 kg)

Writer: Tim Seeley, Scott Allie, Joshua Scott Emmons, Tim Seeley