Exo Terra PT3111 Bamboo Forest Substrate 4.4L - Catch

Exo Terra
Exo Terra PT3111 Bamboo Forest Substrate 4.4L - Catch

Exo Terra PT3111 Bamboo Forest Substrate 4.4L 100% natural layered substrate They look like natural forest floor keeps the substrate soft wet and provides your pet with a hide amongst nutrient substrate for live plants Ideal for natural terrarium environments odour-absorbing and heat treated Made from sustainable materials can be for safe kompostiert.
The Exo Terra Bamboo Forest Substrate is a multi-layer substrate, with which you can the forest floor as in natural bamboo woods emulate. The Forest Floor is one of the nature of the bamboo forest Ökosystems and is usually made of two layers: the top layer consists mainly of fresh leaf litter.
The base layer is rich in organic material – usually Verrottende sheets and wood. The top layer is made of Sonnengetrockneten, decorative bamboo leaves from a sustainable source. With this decorative top layer allows you to make the soft floor cover in natural bamboo woodlands nachbilden. The bamboo reeds offer animals a soft layer, in which you and your secret hiding places of style can. Most Reptiles And Amphibians are on the forest floor looking for food and water. The top layer covers the real substrate, to prevent the moisture storage easier than ever before and you can also use it drying out of the substrate. The biodegradable bamboo sheets are free from any chemicals and can be in your garden kompostiert.
The base layer is rich in organic materials from sustainable and put in the ground fibres the coconut husk. This substrate is a 100% natural, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and has excellent Hygroskopische properties. The base layer is the perfect substrate in naturally planted terrarium High Humidity for moisture loving reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Its water storage capacity, the natural Verwurzelungs hormones and the Antifungiellen properties promote growth of the plants in your terrarium. The unique, used for the Exo Terra Bamboo Forest Substrate Mark of coconut fibre is made