Fantasies Unleashed

Trafford Publishing
Fantasies Unleashed

Everyone has a dark, erotic side, whether or not they want to admit it. You are invited to explore your most sensual, sexual fantasies through a series of steamy short stories and erotic vignettes designed to arouse your curiosity ... and more. Come along for the ride; it's perfectly safe. How you choose to respond is up to you. You might be bound, gagged, spanked, and inspired-as well as loved, and loved well. Do you dare enter this world? Perhaps this collection will become your hidden secret, or perhaps you will be so inspired that you can't wait to share it with a lover-or a prospective lover. However you choose to enter the fantasy, it is yours to enjoy. These stories may arouse, intrigue, shock, or frighten you. Some might even rub you the wrong way (and you might discover that you like it that way). Do you dare to enter the world of your most intimate, dangerous desires? Celebrate your sensual curiosity and fuel your sexual imagination with this collection of erotic musings. Unleash your fantasies!

Publisher: Trafford Publishing

Published: United States, 9 November 2012

Format: Paperback / softback, 222 pages

Age Range: 15+

Other Information: black & white illustrations

Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.3 centimeters (0.33 kg)

Writer: C W Mane