Feed Your Soul : Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled

Carly Pollack
Feed Your Soul : Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled
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Feed Your Soul : Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled
ISBN: 9781608685783
Publication Date: 5 February 2019

There are countless diets, cleanses, and 30-day challenges all geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and feel more energy. Yet, these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation.

With all of the nutrition guidance available, why do millions of people weigh more than they want and feel anxious and depressed about it? Nutritionist Carly Pollack lived this vicious cycle for years until trial and error and years of study and self-healing led her to the insights she has since shared with thousands.

Her new book blends an understanding of body science, brain wiring, and heart spirit to facilitate real, long term change. In the language of a fellow struggler, Pollack helps readers reframe their thinking and, for example, see comfort foods for the numbing foods they truly are and focus on long-term goals rather than immediate "gratification." She foregoes theory and jargon and cuts to the chase with "Skimmer's Delight" chapter summations and "Make it Stick" reminders.

While Pollack talks straight and writes real, her success is based on her palpably profound understanding and compassion and her sincere wish to help others triumph and thrive.