Feverfew 'Tall Single White' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Feverfew 'Tall Single White' Seeds

Feverfew 'Tall Single White' 100+ Seeds.

Tanacetum parthenium

Synonyms: Chrysanthemum parthenium

Feverfew is a short-lived perennial which grows to around 60cm. Single white flowers appear in Spring and Summer. A bushy aromatic Eurasian plant of the daisy family, with feathery leaves and daisy-like flowers. It is used in herbal medicine to treat headaches.

A very easy, must have herb to grow!

Seed Starting Method Raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 1mm
Growing Season Spring & Summer
Germination Time 11-15 days at around 18-21c
Hardiness Hardy perennial
Plant Spacing 30cm
Plant Height 60cm
Planting Position Partial or full sun, moist well soil
Days Until Maturity 100-120 days
Growing tips