Fisher-Price DLT00 Royal Stepstool Potty

Fisher-Price DLT00 Royal Stepstool Potty

From soothing and snoozing to playing and learning, we've got you.

Nusery must-haves to help all of you get more sleep

Soothing seats to keep your baby cosy and give your arms a break

Toys that make tummy time way more comfortable (and fun!)

Your babe can jump up and down and spin all around, too

Toys to get those busy bodies moving

Interactive play that introduces colours, shapes, and new friends

Hands-on ways to explore the world (and become a kind human!)

Easy-to-clean potties to help make toilet training your toddler that much easier.

At Fisher-Price, we live to help parents feel more ready. From baby gear that makes new-parent life easier (more sleep, anyone.!) to fun toys that help entertain and teach your kids as they grow, we’ve been helping parents feel more confident about raising tiny humans for generations.

Brand: Fisher-Price

Other Information: DLT00

Dimensions: 20.5 x 33.5 x 34.5 centimeters (1.74 kg)