Fisher-Price - Imaginext Walking Croc &Amp; Pirate Hook Toys &Amp; Games

Fisher-Price - Imaginext Walking Croc &Amp; Pirate Hook Toys &Amp; Games

Pirate Hook has harnessed the power of this ferocious croc at great cost. (There's a hook where his hand used to be!) Hook ll do anything to protect his treasure he's riding the giant croc to scare off his enemies and he's even mounted a cannon on its back. When Hook and his treasure are threatened, just turn the Power Pad to launch a cannonball. Young buccaneers won t have to imagine this croc chasing intruders they can roll it along for realistic croc-walking action! They can even open the croc's mouth to 'snap at treasure-grabbing enemies. With these Imaginext pirate figures, kids will really sink their teeth into one exciting swashbuckling adventure after another. Imaginext Turn on Adventure!

Who's in command of this ferocious croc
Pirate Hook and your young swashbuckler, that's who! Kids will create exciting pirate adventures with this scaly green crocodile that crawls over any surface as they push it along. Put Hook in the front seat to steer the fun or on the rear Power Pad to activate the defenses. Close-up enemies are no threat just open the croc's mouth because he's hungry for a good meal! Warn other pirates away from you and your treasure by pressing the Power Pad and launching a spiked 'cannonball'.

Stomp, stomp, stomp. Chomp, chomp, chomp
The Imaginext Walking Croc and Pirate Hook puts all the action and adventure in kids hands. They can open and close the croc's mouth. Push it along for the most realistic croc-walking action ever! And turn the Power Pad to launch the projectiles from the mounted cannon. Just add imagination for nonstop pirate fun until the day is done!

Imaginext. ..Turn on Adventure!
Aaargh, you scallywags! You ll never get your filthy hands on me treasure! Listen as your child begins to create stories and dialogue as they use these figures to unlock their own hidden treasure: their imaginations!

Turn the Power Pad to launch spiked cannonball
Includes Walking Croc Pirate Hook figure with hooked hand 2 projectiles and treasure