Flying French Fries

Flying French Fries

"Dr. Rowena Shaw was born in the picturesque Philippine Islands. As a young child of ten, she contracted polio. Overnight, she was flung into the bleak world of paralysis and the subsequent, painful and arduous rehabilitation process to regain mobility.

In her early twenties, a two month leisure trip to the U.S. to visit family members was unexpectedly transformed to permanent residency as a result of a "chance" meeting with her future husband at her aunt's home.

Graduate degrees in School Psychology and Educational Administration from the state university enriched over a thirty year career as counselor and school psychologist at an elementary and middle school in the United States. Decades of professional relationships afforded Dr. Shaw a plethora of experiences and stories about colleagues, students, and parents, an amalgamation of woeful and amusing tales. Recollections and musings on family life, aging, travel, friendships, marriage and raising children entertain readers with LOL detours."

Format: Paperback, 432 pages

Age Range: 0+

Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.4 centimeters (0.63 kg)

Writer: Shaw, Phd Rowena