Footballers Wives - Series 1 [DVD][2003]

Shock Entertainment
Footballers Wives - Series 1 [DVD][2003]

Product Specifications

  • Australian Rating: M
  • Consumer Advice: Drug Use, Low Level Violence, Medium Level Coarse Language, Medium Level Sex Scene, Sexual References
  • Format PAL
  • Compatibility: Compatible with all Australian DVD players
  • Disc Format: DVD

Product Description

This is a series about a group of young women who are wealthy and glamorous - by default. They didn't marry money. In most cases they married the boy-next-door. Then he signed for the Premier League - and life would never be the same again. These are ordinary women in extraordinary circumstances. They've gone from Grimley to Gucci, from Peckham to Prada - and they've exchanged humble social housing and 3-bed semis for mock-Tudor splendour in leafy suburbs. Suddenly, everyone wants a piece of their man - and they're relegated to the role of consort. Like all fish out of water, these women band together. It's an uneasy alliance, forged out of necessity. One wonders if they would be friends under normal circumstances. Some of these women are just about surviving; others are on a slow descent to Hell. And some are having the time of their lives. It's not just the money. Or the press attention. Or the stuck-up neighbours. It's the pressure this life puts on a marriage. Your husband is always away from home - and you know that wherever he is, women are pursuing him. They even try it on when you're out together.So what do you do? Trust him? Distrust him? Have an affair? Shop till you drop? Turn to the bottle? Walk away? Our women will do all of these things. And much, much more. FOOTBALLERS' WIVES is as much about football as DALLAS was about oil. It's a relationship drama about young working-class women who suddenly have everything money and fame can buy - for as long as it lasts and for whatever it costs them.