

ISBN: 9781906969479
Publication Date: 5 September 2013

Gauguin was instrumental in a fundamental move toward a modernism not seen in art since the Impressionists themselves took shape. He believed in Cezanne's geometric style and Bernard's Cloisonnism but he also believed in himself, his own abilities and the potential he had to become a great artist.

Gauguin was unafraid to push the boundaries of art history with a move away from the traditional world of daring, insight and paintings that could be regarded as well before their time.

Gaughuin: The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of 9 gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints.

Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist.