Gin: Distilled - Hardback

Ebury Publishing
Gin: Distilled - Hardback

Product detail - Author: The Gin Foundry, founders of Junipalooza, The Ginsmith Award and the Gin Kiosk | ISBN-13: 9781529102857 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Ebury Publishing | Publication Date: 2018-10-04 | Pages: 128 | Product Dimensions: 147 x 199 x 15mm | Weight: 200g |

Everything you need to know about gin in 128 pages, by the Gin Foundry.

The perfect accompaniment to a gin & tonic, Gin Foundry have poured their expertise into one succinct expert read.

Includes: The modern history of gin; How gin is made; What to look for when choosing gin; Deciphering gin labels; How to taste gin; Gin Foundry's botanical flavour wheel; Gin styles; Best cocktails for different gin styles; Fruit gins and infusions; The perfect gin & tonic; Gin Foundry's garnish/gin pairing guide. Plus much more...