Ginseng Oolong Tea - 100 gms Loose Leaf

the tea accent
Ginseng Oolong Tea - 100 gms Loose Leaf

Our Chinese Ginseng Oolong is produced using superior oolong tea mixed with ginseng roots resulting in a healthy drink that nourishes the body and soul. This oolong tea has a sweet and invigorating taste with a refreshing aroma of ginseng. It has a pale liquor and lingering sweet taste. It is known to enhance energy, weight loss and helps you think clearly.

Ingredients: Oolong tea and Ginseng.

Brewing Instructions: Always use fresh water. Bring water to near boiling point (99 degree Celsius). Take 1 teaspoon / 1 teabag in a cup. Pour the heated water and steep the tea for 3-4 mins. Adjust the time of brewing as per desired strength.

Tea flavour enhances as it cools. Our teas can be re-brewed, just steep it longer for the second time.

Know more about the herbs in this tea:

Ginseng is a plant with a root that is used as a natural remedy and dietary supplement. Asian ginseng is also promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of other reasons-to improve physical stamina, concentration, and memory; stimulate immune function; slow the aging process; and relieve various other health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, depression, anxiety, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system.

Darjeeling Oolong tea is a type of oolong tea that is grown in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India. It is known for its distinctive flavor, which is often described as having a fruity, floral, and muscatel taste. The production process for oolong tea involves partially fermenting the tea leaves, which gives it a flavor that is somewhere between black tea and green tea. Oolong tea contains tannins, which can help to promote healthy digestion and reduce symptoms of indigestion. Oolong tea is believed to increase the metabolism, which helps with weight loss.