Gourd - Fong Show F1 seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Gourd - Fong Show F1 seeds

Gourd - Fong Show F1- 7 seedsBenincasa hispida var chieh-qua

If you're looking for a fast-growing, productive warm season annual that's sure to yield an abundance of fruit, then Gourd Fong Show (Mao Gua or Mokwa) is the one. This fuzzy gourd ripens earlier than most hybrids and produces dark green fruits measuring anywhere between 20-25 cm in length and 5-8cm in width. With its vigorous growth habit and high yields, there's no doubt this variety will be your go-to summer crop!

For optimal growing conditions, a long and warm season is essential. Before sowing your seeds in early summer, ensure the soil has good drainage and is appropriately fertilized. Place them in a sunny area after the last frost for the best results! To further aid growth, training it to climb up vertical supports will encourage straighter fruits with improved air circulation and simpler harvesting come time. Enjoy young zucchinis fresh off of the vine or cut into pieces for stir-fries, soups or braising dishes; even try hollowing out some melons and filling them with meat before baking! No matter how you decide to enjoy this delicious vegetable, however-be sure not to overcook as that'll take away most of its excellent flavour profile.

Sow in spring & summer. Pre-soak seeds in lukewarm water (30oC) for 24 hours. Sow 2cm deep. Germinates at 27-32oC in 7-14 days. Space apart 50cm. 55-65 days to maturity.