Haunted Lehigh Valley - Paperback

Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Haunted Lehigh Valley - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Kenneth Biddle | ISBN-13: 9780764333897 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd | Publication Date: 2009-11-23 | Pages: 160 | Product Dimensions: 152.4 x 228.6 x 19.05mm | Weight: 294.8350405g |

Grab your flashlight and camera to tour the spookier side of the Lehigh River Valley in Pennsylvania! Meet a mysterious pipe-smoking man at Wydnor Hall Inn, then help keep the Union and West End Cemetery beautiful with the "Lady in the Blue Dress." Sit down for a good meal at the White Palm Tavern, and perhaps the ghost of Emma will bring you a drink. Listen for the giggles of a redheaded ghost before he disappears behind the only tree in the Freemansburg Cemetery. Learn about the Shadow Figure of the Lake House Hotel who appeared to a group of over 20 ghost hunters! Explore the Lehigh Valley and beyond, seeking out glowing red eyes, phantom telephones, and apparitions of the young and old. The ghosts await you!