Health Of Mind Art - River Cast Deep Cast Resin - 1.5L Kit

Health Of Mind Art
Health Of Mind Art   - River Cast Deep Cast Resin - 1.5L Kit
Health of Mind Art River Cast is a clear casting epoxy system designed for deep casting applications, including river tables, casting, and embedding. RIVER CAST is a low viscosity, low exotherm epoxy with superior air release and minimal shrinkage. It is one of Australia's most popular casting resins due to its ease of use and due to it being safer to use. Colour: Clear liquid
Pot life: ~3 hours
Cured time: 48 - 72 hours (volume and temperature dependent)
Cure to maximum strength: 7 days
Mixed viscosity: Water like
Shore D hardness (at 20 degrees C): 80-85
Colour Stability: Low yellowing (will darken on UV exposure)
Application Cover working area with cardboard or plastic. The surface to be coated should be dry and free of contaminants. For best results, apply at temperatures between 19-20 DEGREES and below 70% humidity. Air bubbles may form on the surface. Air bubble release is greatly enhanced by use of a heat gun or gas torch. Care should be taken to avoid over heating in one spot -sweep the heat gun continuously across the surface for a few seconds. The mixed product should be cured in a warm, dust free area, and should be covered with a box PLEASE NOTE DEEP CASTING RESINS ARE VERY MUCH CONDITIONS DEPENDENT, TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR OPTIMAL RESULTS. DO NOT POUR LARGE VOLUMES OF THIS RESIN AND LARGE DEPTHS IF YOU HAVE NOT PREPARED YOUR ENVIRONMENT AND ARE USING IT IN THE RIGHT CONDITIONS. Once the material has cured, it can be sanded or mechanically processed as required. The resin can be tinted with pigments to achieve a vibrant finish. This is a slow speed casting system specifically designed for a low exotherm for deep pours (50-100mm thick in a single pour) conditions dependent