Herbert Knotel's German Armies in Color: as Illustrated in his Watercolors and Sketches - Hardback

Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Herbert Knotel's German Armies in Color: as Illustrated in his Watercolors and Sketches - Hardback

Product detail - Author: Andrew Woelflein | ISBN-13: 9780764327841 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd | Publication Date: 2007-07-20 | Pages: 144 | Product Dimensions: 228.6 x 304.8 x 20.066mm | Weight: 1587.5732936g |

Herbert KnAtel adroitly brings soldiers of every age and every nationality to life with his detailed sketches and masterful watercolors. "Herbert KnAtel's German Armies" includes 137 never-before-published sketches and watercolors of German military figures from the 18th-20th centuries. This unique art, from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at Brown University and the private collection of Alfred and Roland Umhey, offers vivid insight into one of the 20th century's most accomplished military artists. A superb biographical essay from KnAtel's only child provides personal context for the artist's life and brilliant work.