Honeybush Dream - Certified Organic

The Tea Hut
Honeybush Dream - Certified Organic

Certified Organic Honeybush Dream Herbal Tea: A delicious and unique herbal tea blend packed full of health benefits. Hand blended from the finest organic ingredients provides a great quality cup every time.

Organic Ingredients: Honeybush, Sage, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena and Rose Petals

Certified Organic: Yes

Serving Suggestion:

For the best results always use fresh, filtered water. Add 1tsp per 200ml. Brew with boiling water for 5mins.

Packaging: All teas are sent in resealable packages for maximum freshness and longevity of flavour. Storage: Store away from direct sunlight and excessive heat - your pantry or cupboard will be just fine. Origin: Imported ingredients Cautions: Chaste berry may affect certain hormone levels, women who are pregnant or taking birth control pills should not use chaste berry without medical advice.