Ilium Oticlean Spray Pet Skin & Ear Cleansing Solution 125ml

Ilium Oticlean Spray Pet Skin & Ear Cleansing Solution 125ml

This product is highly recommended and the nozzle makes it easy to apply for use in the treatment of otitis externa, wounds and abrasions when healing is impaired by the presence of necrotic tissue, debris or wax in horses, dogs and cats ears.

Directions for use:

Wounds: Apply liberally to clean the wound. Repeat application 2-3 times daily as necessary.
Ears: Routine cleaning Instill liberally into ear canal. Massage base of ear to loosen wax. Repeat as required.
Otitis Externa: Follow routine cleaning directions, repeating 1-3 times daily for several days or as directed by a veterinarian.