Invest Your Disappointments - Paperback

Inter-Varsity Press
Invest Your Disappointments - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Paul Mallard | ISBN-13: 9781783594450 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press | Publication Date: 2018-03-15 | Pages: 192 | Product Dimensions: 154 x 215 x 15mm | Weight: 270g |

Sometimes our hopes are shattered and expectations fail to be realized. This can lead to disillusionment and discouragement. In extreme circumstances it may even result in a collapse of faith.

We cannot avoid disappointment - but how do we avoid being paralyzed by it? What causes it and what important lessons can we learn from it? The Bible never brushes our feelings under the carpet, and neither should we.

Disappointment can be extremely painful, but it can also become a source of personal growth and a spur to maturity.

The author addresses the subject with honesty, humanity and humour drawing from his 30 years of Bible teaching and pastoral insights. Each chapter contains Mallard's unique blend of anecdotes, Bible exposition and practical advice, and concludes with helpful questions for discussion.

If God folds disappointment into the texture of our lives, it is for a purpose. Understanding ourselves and the causes of our disappointments will give us perspective and courage. Grasping something of God's purpose will give us patience and hope. We can invest our disappointments in a healthy way so that they bear lasting fruit.