Kelloggs Saltana Bran Breakfast Cereal Family Value Pack 700g

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Kelloggs Saltana Bran Breakfast Cereal Family Value Pack 700g

Start your day on a wholesome note with Kelloggs Saltana Bran Breakfast Cereal. This family value pack contains 700g of nutrient-rich bran flakes studded with juicy sultanas. With its high fiber content and satisfying taste, Kelloggs Saltana Bran Breakfast Cereal is a great choice for those seeking a cereal that supports digestive health. The natural sweetness of sultanas adds a delightful touch to every spoonful. Whether you enjoy it with milk or yogurt, this cereal provides a nourishing and fulfilling breakfast that keeps you feeling satisfied and ready to take on the day.

Expiry Date: 01/01/2030