KER Equivit EO-3 Omega 3 Horse Supplement 946ml

Kentucky Equine Research
KER Equivit EO-3 Omega 3 Horse Supplement 946ml

Intended to be fed to horses of all classes and working levels to improve the critical omega-3: omega-6 ratio in their diets.

Palatable deodorized fish oil with cherry flavor
Improves glucose tolerance
Strengthens immune function
Increases red blood cell flexibility
Enhances bone metabolism and development


DHA- and EPA-mediated inflammatory response include reduction in joint inflammation, allergic reactivity, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, and exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage
Reproductive benefits include improved fertility, improved colostrum quality, enhanced passive transfer of antibodies to foals, and increased sperm concentration, motility, and viability
Marine-derived long-chain fatty acids DHA and EPA are more efficiently used as precursors of local hormones than plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids