Knock Knock What to Eat Pad (Mint Green) - Notebook / blank book

Knock Knock
Knock Knock What to Eat Pad (Mint Green) - Notebook / blank book

Product detail - ISBN-13: 9781601069900 | Format: Notebook / blank book Publisher: Knock Knock | Publication Date: 2017-07-01 | Pages: 60 | Product Dimensions: 156 x 230 x 11mm | Weight: 260g |

With the hectic pace of the modern world, it's hard to plan, track, and execute household meals. Keep it simple by harkening back to the bygone era of home-economics: if you schedule the food you eat with a menu planner, you'll always know what's for dinner.

Track meals with style and a refreshing minty hue The weekly meal planning pad that doesn't judge your cereal-for-dinner habit 6 x 9 inches, 60 sheets; magnet on back