KOM Cycling Mount for Garmin Varia

KOM Cycling
KOM Cycling Mount for Garmin Varia

While your Garmin Varia increases your awareness and personal security while riding out on the road, The KOM Radar Mount builds on that confidence utilizing the ATOP dial system to provide a strong and secure mount for your:

  • Garmin Varia RTL510
  • Garmin Varia RTL515
  • Garmin Varia RCT715

Or any other rear-facing device utilizing the Garmin quarter-turn system.

The KOM Cycling Radar Mount is compatible with the following seat post sizes and shapes:

  • 27.2mm
  • 30.9mm
  • 31.6mm
  • D-Cross-Section
  • Aero Cross-Section

Weight 44g